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Different Types Of Google Ad Strategies

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last twenty years, you probably haven’t seen any Google ad. While reading about weight loss, you may have seen the ad for the fasting app. Or maybe you were looking for shoes, and a discount on Google search results prompted you to buy a pair. These were Google ads! 

Although Google ads may seem a bit complicated at first, like all difficult things, once you break the step-by-step process, Google ads become much easier.  In this article, we are doing exactly that. Know more about profit bidding here. 

How Many Categories Of Google Ads Are There? 

How Many Categories Of Google Ads Are There? 

For business purposes, eight types of google ads are frequently used. Here are the names of the categories of Google Ad, which are frequently used by marketers. The marketer’s favorite google ads are the display ads. More you are using visually attractive ads your viewers will be more attracted to your advertisements.

Here are the names of eight categories of google ads that are frequently used by any user.

 1-Search – Text ads on Google search results 

 2- Display – Image ads on the websites on the Gmail account. 

 3-Video – Video ads on the YouTube 

 4-Shopping – product listings on Google. 

 5- App – Promoting your app across multiple channels 

 6- Smart – Easily automated advertising on Google and across the web

 7- Local – Take customers to the original location. 

 8- Discovery – Runs ads on all Google feeds when open. 

»Google Advertising: Keywords You Need to Know

Are you new in the google advertising world? Then take a look at the few names and factors which are going to give you a better understanding of the topic. Before we take a look at the types of Google ads and their best practices, let’s take a brief look at the keywords you need to understand how a Google ad work. 

»Google Advertising

Formerly comprehended as Google AdWords, Google Advertising is an advertising service which is created by Google. And that allows people to advertise for their business with search results and advertisements on the Google network. 

It’s a pay-per-click advertisement solution where advertisers are paying for per click or impressions on an ad. Google advertising is the most convenient way to reach your words to your audiences. 


Google ad is working as an auction. If you want to give the ad on Google, you need to choose the maximum amount of your bidding that you want to pay for a particular action on your ad. Naturally, the higher bids are leading to better advertising sites. 

Here are the two most popular terms of the bidding.

  •   Cost per click or CPC- The charge you pay for one click on your ad. 
  •   CPM (cost per mail) – The amount you pay for 1,000 impressions of your ad (when your ad is shown to the public). 

Types Of Google Advertising Campaigns And Their Best Practices

Types Of Google Advertising Campaigns

Now that you know the basics of Google advertising, let’s take a look at the five types of Google advertising campaigns and see how you can use them to promote your business. 

»Google Search Ads –

Attract people searching for your products. Google search ads are text ads that you see on Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

» Google Display Network

Google uses the Google Display Network GDN for showing your display movements which is relevant to the people. It’s a network for over 2 million websites, apps, and videos where Google ads are appearing. 

This permits you to decide where or when you want your Google ad to appear based on the characters of your ideal audience. For example their age, gender, or interests. 


What kind of Google ad is best for you depends on what you want to achieve.  For example, if your goal is sales, your best choice is either a search or shopping campaign type because they will allow you to target people who want to buy your product or service. However, if you want to increase your brand awareness, go to display or video ads for their visual nature and the possibility of targeting people based on their interests and demographic criteria.

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Abdul Aziz mondol

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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