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Tips for planning online corporate events

Businesses are struggling to capture audience engagement in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. With consumers stuck within the confines of their homes, brands and marketers rely on digital mediums to maintain engagement. Corporate events and trade shows are an excellent way to build a competitive industry standing and engage clients and investors.

Virtual corporate events allow businesses to impress potential clients and investors with an innovative, digitally literate mindset. However, make no mistake, planning an online corporate event is just as hectic as a traditional event. There are numerous event management platforms available to ensure proper time management and the seamless operation of any size event.

Besides, virtual events are easier to leave as the audience simply has to tune out. Therefore, creativity and engagement are crucial aspects to consider. Keep reading to explore tips to help you plan a stellar virtual corporate event.

Setting Clear Goals

Setting Clear Goals

What goals do you want to achieve with a corporate event? Are you trying to promote your services or launch a new product? Or perhaps, you’d like to celebrate ten years of running a successful business and honor your clients and associates?

Setting clear and realistic goals will help you ensure time management and effective scheduling. It will also help you prevent setbacks and align your efforts with your core objectives.

Out of the Box Creativity

Out of the Box Creativity

As explained earlier, virtual events are easier to leave because the audience simply has to exit the live session. In formal events, attendees linger around for the food and refreshments or wait for the event to end. However, virtual events do not demand such social etiquette. Therefore, it’s crucial to get creative and come up with out-of-the-box ideas to keep your audience hooked.

For instance, how about hiring a trollkarl to fascinate your audience with mind-boggling magic tricks? Magic shows are endlessly intriguing, and they captivate people of all age groups. In fact, magic shows are a timeless trend to add a fun punch to otherwise dull and formal corporate events. Once the corporate formalities are over, you can entice your audience with an interactive virtual magic show. That would undoubtedly make your virtual event a viral trend across the industry!

You can also cook up other strategies to keep your audience hooked. For instance, you can create a panel of influencers and the core executive team to humanize your brand. Many brands host panel discussions to focus on social issues concerning their target audiences.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Choosing the Right Platforms

Choosing the right platforms is of the utmost significance to ensure your corporate event is a roaring success. We advise you to go live on multiple platforms as opposed to restricting yourself to one medium. For instance, broadcasting your event on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube will help you secure maximum engagement.

Typically, Facebook leads the trend bandwagon when it comes to hosting successful virtual events and panel discussions. However, if you don’t enjoy popularity on multiple platforms, this may prove tricky. In that case, it’s wise to hook your audience on the platform where you enjoy maximum popularity.

Actively Promote your Event

It would help if you organized multiple campaigns to raise awareness around your virtual corporate event. It’s wise to get started weeks ahead in advance to pull a large crowd of eager attendees. The goal is to build the hype around your event and hook in the audience by luring them with interactive media. You can use multiple platforms and mediums for your promotional campaigns.

Naturally, this endeavor requires you to curate content in the form of imagery, interactive videos, informative blogs, and attention-grabbing calls to action. We advise using your Facebook and Instagram stories to capture attention and give daily reminders. For instance, you can use your stories to create a countdown leading up to the day of the event.

Your website and blog should actively promote your event using keywords, banners, and informative excerpts. Social media marketing is vital to secure engagement, as the event will go live on social media. It all boils down to a game of savvy and immersive aesthetics and offering value to pull an enthusiastic crowd.

A Skillful Moderator

Moderators and hosts engage the audience with their enigmatic and engaging conversation styles. They pour life into the script, bringing out the best in the event schedule and entertainment. It’s crucial to hire an effective and experienced moderator who can keep the audience hooked and engaged.

Moderators with an interactive style will encourage attendees to make comments by engaging them with fun questions. It’s crucial to bring out the audience and encourage attendees to comment and interact with the moderator. Virtual tools allow engagement through comments and sharing, and the audience isn’t entirely passive spectators.

However, if the event lacks a savvy and interactive moderator, the audience will likely lose interest and tune out.

Effective Time Management

Scheduling and time management are crucial aspects to consider when hosting a corporate event online. You cannot expect your audience to tune in as soon as you decide to go live. You have to conduct research and examine the digital activity of your target audience to find the right time.

You need to pick a time when your target audience is free and actively looking for entertainment online. Don’t expect people to wait around or rearrange their schedules unless you’re offering a special giveaway or discounted products. You will also have to maintain adequate time management during the event by scheduling each segment efficiently.


You see, planning a virtual event demands the same amount of scrutiny and planning as formal events. In fact, the pressure to secure engagement may seem more intense as the medium is relatively new and requires extensive adjustments.

It all boils down to offering value and hooking the audience with fun activities they wouldn’t want to miss. Naturally, this endeavor requires you to conduct market research and tap into audience preferences. Be sure to hire an enigmatic moderator, or perhaps, someone from the executive team can perform this role.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Mashum Mollah is associated with Mashum Mollah & Blogstellar.

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