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Important Considerations for Your Start-Up Website

If you are starting a business, then creating a business website is likely going to be pretty high up on your to-do list. Even if your start-up does not expect the website to be its main sales channel, it is still a vitally important asset. Having a website for your start-up brings you credibility; it shows potential customers who you are as a brand and that you are a trustworthy company. However, to ensure that you are receiving the benefits of having a business website, there are a few important considerations you need to make.

 1. What is Your Brand Identity?

As Made By Factory explains, whether you sell a product or a service, every start-up needs to clearly define its brand identity. Defining your brand will influence every aspect of your website design, from the font you use to the content of your written copy. You need to clearly define your brand identity before you begin creating a website for your start-up.

 2. Search Engine Optimization:

Search Engine Optimization

As you are creating a completely new website, you have one potential advantage over the competition; you have the power to create a site that is built for search engine optimization. The very structure of your website, down to its foundational design, can impact search engine optimization. SEO is an important consideration for your start-up website because it has the power to drastically benefit your coming digital marketing campaigns. You need to make sure that your website is structured correctly, that you provide a site map and your pages load quickly.

 3. Conversion Funnels:

Conversion Funnels

Most digital marketing campaigns are focused on increasing the volume of relevant traffic to your site. This, in itself, can only get you so far. Your website needs to be built to support and motivate customer conversions. You should focus on creating conversion funnels when building your start-up website such as using synthetic monitoring tools to ensure that you are making the most out of each and every visitor that arrives on your site.

 4. Security:

Security is a very important consideration for your start-up website. To ensure that you are not inadvertently risking your customer’s personal data, you need to secure your website. Not only will having a secure site protect your customers, but it also will protect your business. When a website is hacked or blacklisted, it can lose up to 98% of its traffic. This is as bad, if not worse, than not having a website at all. Protect your business and your customers by securing your website.

You need at least security on your website and for that, an SSL certificate can be considered basic security. To secure your site you can choose GlobalSign, Sectigo, RapidSSL certificate, AlphaSSL authorities that could offer SSL at the possible lowest price.

 5. Responsive Website Design:

The majority of internet users are no longer using their laptops or computers to search the web; they are using phones, tablets, and even smart-watches. You need to ensure that your start-up website can facilitate traffic from a range of devices. The best way of supporting a range of traffic to your site is by using responsive website design. Responsive website design is an approach to web design that adapts the layout and viewing environment of your site to the visitor’s device. This means that you are always able to provide the traffic on your site with the best experience of your start-up possible.

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Lucia Patterson

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days. Online Marketing Tools, Smart Business Daily, Emblem Wealthare some of another sites, she is used to contribute.

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