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How to gain more using Recruitment Process Outsourcing?

Want to win over the best people in the global war for talent, or just increase the market share? Fancy a 30 percent recruitment cost reduction? Need a provision of the best programmers on the market, but you don’t know what headhunting strategy to adopt? If you aim high but the recruitment of developers is not your core competency, you need Recruitment Process Outsourcing. The right RPO will leave you in awe as to making the best of the job market possibilities, easily.

Why Recruitment Process Outsourcing pays off

What are the most obvious advantages of introducing Recruitment Process Outsourcing from a professional external provider? Some of them include the reduction of staff rotation and improving Return on Investment on recruitment efforts (investment process). The former is truly a life-changing factor for many, as companies often face high staff turnover rates. As for the CEE region, this usually ranges from 10 to 20 percent within the mid-level skilled professionals. And this, unfortunately, means constant expenses to make for the loss.

This also means that HR teams can’t keep an eye on the performance of the current personnel. Instead, they have to start new recruitment projects on and on, organize onboarding of new employees, etc. This is time-consuming but also very expensive. The problem is that many bosses aren’t aware of how much money they spend on recruitment on the whole. And all those hidden costs are something they never analyze.

But when staff turnover rates are high, HR people also lose the feeling of control over the marketplace. To regain it, more and more of them are taking the chance and buy the mini-RPO services solutions. By doing so, they may get the best candidates possible with ease, and spend money reasonably. This is a more and more common solution, anyway. It’s good to know that the market of RPO contracts is worth billions of US dollars globally.

As for increasing ROI, the results of implemented solutions are measurable and may be determined in advance. This is the case with the world-class services provided by Sowelo Consulting agency. Within the company’s RPO model, total cost reduction typically accounts for 30%. They agree with the client on guaranteed performance measurements instead of charging on a per hire basis. Apart from recruitment fees, reduction embraces such areas as advertising, rent, and software cost.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing – more advantages

We may cut the recruitment cost thanks to several pillars. Some of them include a huge contacts database, a wide network, and using Executive Search and Direct Search methods. They are beneficial within the IT/Telco area, finance, and banking, as well as the sector of Professional Services (BPO/SSC). Yet RPO may mean providing solutions satisfying virtually any needs. This includes companies entering the market, those undergoing restructuring or simply growing rapidly.

The right consultants provide all the top-notch technologies and world-class methodology to make the client’s recruitment success possible. It’s their achievement as they become owners of the whole recruitment process, responsible for its planning and implementation. And the recruitment agency’s being the great coordinator is what the Recruitment Process Outsourcing is all about. Within the RPO, the external provider of such services has to consider all parts of the recruitment equation.

To do so, advisors need to possess huge expertise regarding the hiring process – both classical and practical findings. As for Sowelo, the knowledge base comprises over 1,200 projects for more than 70 satisfied and often returning, clients. The relationships with them are based on partnership and trust, and they are meant to be long-time ones. Within the RPO process, external consultants take over all the recruitment activities of the company, sometimes becoming its part.

Soweto can connect any client with several pre-screened candidates for virtually any position lightning fast. The market know-how, profound expertise, and first-hand experience make the process fast, but also cost-effective. Clients simply don’t need to waste time and money finding and interviewing not matching candidates. Besides, great recruitment consultants would have known right from the start they wouldn’t fit anyway.


Other benefits of RPO. Why it’s even better to use it

The list of advantages of implementing Recruitment Process Outsourcing seems to be endless. Firstly, the company using it (typically, one with 100-300 hires per year) may focus on its core business. In the long run, it’s leaders observe Employer Branding strengthening and thus saving money on image-enhancing projects. Supporting candidates taking part in the recruitment process, keeping them engaged using proper talent attraction strategies simply pays off.

Accessing various talent communities, available on social media or job platforms is crucial, as well as big data analysis. Combining methods and approaches is beneficial, and the RPO may cover various activities and processes, depending on clients’ needs. The flexible Agile approach is applied more and more often and leaves clients and new hires more than satisfied. That is possible thanks to taking advantage of customized business solutions.

Normally, problems with delivering quality manpower are independent of the nation but typical for some industries, like IT recruitment. Choosing the right agency clients may set the area of sourcing candidates, starting from one city, region, or country. The company’s talent acquisition team may work globally, posting job ads and digital materials in relevant, carefully selected spaces.

Sowell’s proactive approach enables clients to align their talent strategies with overall business strategies. The result is, beyond others, successful diverse talent hunting based on hundreds of searches completed. Besides, the company provides clients with a guarantee for every candidate recommended to them.

What more a professional RPO provider can do?

What good consultants offer is customized services, perfectly tailored to clients’ needs, expectations, and organization size. They know how valuable it is to be agile on the job market, effectively competing for the right candidates. What normally lets increase productivity in the field of talent acquisition is the RPO, among others. Greater efficiency, effectiveness, and the optimization of the whole process is all to be gained, quite easily. As well as the change of management method that makes it possible.

Sowelo consultants also know other recruitment tools and ways, and they give professional advice regarding crucial recruitment strategies. For instance, they run a Headhunting Academy training course to hone clients’ recruiting teams’ headhunting skills, maximizing the result. If you want your in-house recruiters to meet some new, effective methods, this is something for you.

But you may choose another way of conduct, letting the outstanding professionals do their job for you. And Sowelo’s smart consultants share and use their knowledge not only within the Recruitment Process Outsourcing process per se. They like serving their clients, using their experience to make the right candidates pay attention to advertised offers. They even motivate the best candidates to be more open to new, emerging possibilities on the job market.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a passionate blogger. He loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Mashum Mollah is associated with Mashum Mollah & Blogstellar.

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