If you are planning to take the PMP Exam in 2022, you need to be prepared for the different types of questions that will be on the test. In this blog post, we will go over 7 different types of questions that you may see on the exam.
We will also provide some tips on how to answer each type of question. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of what to expect on the PMP Exam and how to approach each type of question.
What Is PMP?
Project Management Professionals (PMP) are an internationally recognized professional designated subject which is offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). The PMP certification demonstrates individual experience, education, and competency in leading and directing project teams.
Individuals who earn their pmp certification exam question have a proven track record of success in managing projects and are sought after by employers around the world.
The PMP exam consists of multiple-choice questions that test an individual’s knowledge of the five project management process groups and ten knowledge areas defined in the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
The exam is designed to measure an individual’s ability to apply project management principles and practices to real-world situations.
How Is The PMP Exam Score Determined?
There are four types of questions on the PMP exam: scenario-based, application, concept, and calculation. Scenario-based questions require the test taker to identify the best course of action from a given set of options based on a specific situation.
Application questions test the test taker’s ability to apply project management concepts and practices to real-world situations. Concept questions assess an individual’s understanding of key project management terms and concepts.
Calculation questions require the test taker to solve mathematical problems related to project management. After filling up the application form, you will get one year of preparation. The pmp exam dates are always scheduled one year after publishing the application form.
What Are The Different Types Of Questions In The Pmp Exam?
The PMP Exam is divided into five sections, each with a different focus. The questions in each section are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the material covered in that section.
Let’s see how hard is pmp exam and the question pattern.
There are three types of questions on the PMP Exam: multiple choice, true/false, and essay.
Multiple choice questions have four possible answers, only one of which is correct. You will be asked to select the correct answer from a list of choices.
True/false questions are designed to test your understanding of the material covered in a particular section. You will be asked to determine whether a statement is true or false.
If you want to compare the pmp exam difficulty level. Then I must say maybe you do not have to write big answers, but for qualify the exam you will require in-depth knowledge of every individual subject.
Essay questions are open-ended questions that require you to write a response in your own words. You will be given a prompt and will be expected to provide a detailed answer.
1. Multiple Choice Questions
One of the main types of questions you’ll encounter on the pmp exam dumps 2022 are multiple choice questions or MCQs. These questions will present you with a scenario and several possible choices for how to respond, and you’ll need to select the correct answer.
In some cases, there may be more than one correct answer, but you’ll still need to choose the best option from the choices given.
If you’re unsure of an answer to an MCQ, don’t panic! There are usually some clues in the question that can help you eliminate wrong answers and zero in on the correct one. Trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling – more often than not, it’s right.
2. Fill In The Blanks
There are different types of questions in the PMP exam. The questions are based on the project management knowledge areas and process groups.
The PMP exam has multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and hotspot questions. The multiple-choice questions have four answer choices. The drag-and-drop and hot spot questions have one correct answer.
You can use the PMP Exam Content Outline to help you study for the exam. The content outline is organized by knowledge area and process group. It lists the topics that are covered in each section of the exam.
The PMP exam is a computer-based test (CBT). You will have four hours to complete the exam.
3. Matching Type
In the PMP exam, there are four different types of questions: multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and essay. Multiple-choice questions have one correct answer and four incorrect answers.
Fill-in-the-blank questions have a sentence with one missing word. Matching questions have a list of items on the left side and a list of items on the right side. You must match the items on the left side with the items on the right side. Essay questions require you to write a response to a question.
Matching questions have two columns, each with a list of items. You must match the items in column A with the items in column B. For example, Column A may contain a list of project management tools, and Column B may contain a list of project management processes. To answer this type of question, you must identify which tool is used for each process.
4. Sequencing Type
The PMP exam consists of multiple-choice questions that test your knowledge of project management. There are four main types of questions:
- Sequencing Type- These questions require you to sequence events or activities in the order in which they occurred or should occur.
- Code Type- These questions identify a specific section of the PMBOK Guide and ask you to apply its concepts to a given situation.
- Scenario Type- These questions present a scenario and then ask you about what you would do next or how you would handle the situation presented.
- Fill in the Blanks- These questions have a statement with one or more blank spaces that you will need to fill in based on your knowledge of project management principles and practices.
5. Short Answer Questions
The PMP exam consists of four different types of questions: multiple choice, short answer, essay, and matching. In this section, we’ll focus on short answer questions. The pmp exam passing score eligibility is you have to secure at least 70% in the examination.
Short answer questions are usually one to two sentences long and will typically ask you to explain a concept or define a term. For example, you may be asked to explain what earned value management is or to define what a project charter is.
To answer these questions correctly, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of the material covered in the PMP exam content outline. Be sure to review the key terms listed in each knowledge area before taking the exam.
There are different types of questions in the PMP exam, and each type requires a different approach. As you prepare for the exam, make sure you understand the different question types and how to answer them. With a little practice, you’ll be able to confidently tackle any question that comes your way.
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