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Is It Safe To Visit Chernobyl? What Goes On In The Exclusion Zone? 

The Chernobyl disaster is one of the most hazardous and striking tragedies in world history. Every year, thousands of people come there to find clues to the mystery. Although these terrible events took place 35 years ago, even now, a lot of visitors don’t know about the current course of events in the Exclusion Zone.  

-is it safe to visit Chernobyl? 

-Why should you make a tour, and what to expect from visiting  Pripyat?  

You may find all this and more in our article. 

What Is The Destiny Of The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station?

The station continues to operate but doesn’t generate power. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant didn’t completely stop it.  

The Soviet authorities decided to stop the construction of the planned fifth and sixth blocks, but the rest continued to work. Instead of, which was part of the Exclusion Zone, there was built a new city for nuclear scientists – Slavutich.  

In 1991, there was a severe fire at the second power unit, and the Ukrainian parliament urgently decided to decommission the second unit immediately. During the tour of Chernobyl, you will be able to listen to the full story. 

In 1995, Ukraine signed an agreement with the G7 countries, according to which the country had to stop the operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Five years later, the station stopped generating power. However, it continues to operate because the decommissioning of units is a long process.  

According to the plan, the reactors will finally be mothballed in 2028, and by 2064, they plan to completely dismantle the remains of the equipment.  

Nowadays, you have a wonderful opportunity to see the reactor with your own eyes without the risk of radiation influence, thanks to the tour of the Chernobyl Zone! 

Is It Safe To Visit The Exclusion Zone?

The radiation level in the Ukraine Chernobyl tour is quite safe for humans.  

The dose of radiation that a person receives during a day of walking in the Exclusion area is comparable to the amount that you get after spending 1 hour surrounded by 40 bananas.  

The exception is Pripyat, the city closest to the nuclear power plant. You can stay here for some time, but it’s dangerous to live there permanently. 

Is It Safe to Visit Chornobyl? Are Tourists Allowed To Visit There? 

Visiting Chernobyl would be indeed fascinating! Yes, people, mainly travel and history enthusiasts, plan to visit the spot and feel the fear, shrieks, and helplessness caused by humans on Earth.   

This is the reason you may see, many, many tourists searching for the answer to the question on the internet platform,” Should Tourist visit?”   

The answer is YES. If you want to experience the place and learn and take defining lessons in life, you may visit there. 

Are you too one of them who cuddled a similar aspiration to visit the site someday. 

 If you want to experience the ravages created by humans driven by over-ambitiousness to exploit the forces of nature, and meet with such plight, then this is the place to get life lessons.   

Is It Safe To Visit Chernobyl? What Do You Need To Be Aware Of? 

Some places, like Chernobyl, may haunt tourists because of the fear of radiation.

On the two-day tour to Chernobyl, the visitors will be exposed to a lower radiation level compared to the long-duration flights.

Experts say that when you go deeper through the exclusion zone, you are subject to radiation checks.  

This helps ensure that no one is above the level of the sea. Hence, the answer to the question, “Is It safe to visit?” would be Yes, but you need to be aware of the safety and security measures.   

Is There Any Life In Chernobyl Today? 

Nowadays there are shift workers who work at the station and self-settlers. The station employs over 2,000 employees. They are decommissioning reactors and work at the Shelter – this is the sarcophagus that closes the destroyed fourth block.  

Shops are open here, and there is a curfew. In other settlements of the Exclusion Zone also live people – most often former residents who returned to their homes decades after the forced escape. You may see these daredevils on the Chernobyl tour! 

What Are The Repercussions Of The Disaster? 

The consequences of the accident still affect the health of people living even far beyond the Exclusion Zone.  

According to the monitoring data, which was carried out by the team of Doctor of Medical Sciences and Professor Yuri Bandazhevsky with the support of the European Union in the areas adjacent to the zone, there is the following statistics: 

  • 40% of children have hormonal disorders; 
  • 35% have liver disorders. 

In general, there is a high mortality rate, despite the children being born much later than the accident. However, if you want to go on a tour, you won’t receive any dangerous dose of radiation. 

Is It Worth Visiting Ukraine?

After the release of HBO series, tourists started visiting Ukraine more and more. 

Such tours were popular even before the series, over the years after the accident, even a full-fledged tourist infrastructure has developed. Companies such as “Trips-to-” offer one-day or two-day tours to  Pripyat and to the station itself. Tours cost is from $50 for Ukrainian citizens and from $100 for foreigners.  

At the Dityatki checkpoint, where people enter the exclusion zone, there is a shop with souvenirs and coffee. There you may buy some special things which will remind you of this unforgettable trip.  

Don’t miss the chance to go on the tour at least once in your life! 

Now That You Are Determined To Go, You Need To Be Aware Of The Rules

There is a small exception, mainly for British travellers. They must provide proof of health insurance that covers the stay’s duration.   

British citizens need to purchase insurance registered in Ukraine.  Hence, we advise you to take the necessary precautions and visit to the disaster spot.

Additional Reading:

Suman Samanta

Suman is a natural vagabond who prefers unraveling society through his own eyes by biking around town with headphones over his ears! Born with insane observation powers and an incessant need to stay updated with literally all that goes around him, Suman is here to discuss all that matters – from building your dream house to supporting your family, he has got you covered!

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