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How to Remove Powered by Shopify from Your Footer in 2 Minutes in 2024!

Hey! If you’re here, you probably have a Shopify store or are planning to start one. Shopify is an awesome platform for e-commerce, but it has one annoying feature: the powered by Shopify message in the footer. You know, the one that says “This shop is powered by Shopify” or something like that.

Believe me or not a lot of people find this unnecessary advertisement pretty annoying. Why is it annoying? Well, for one thing, it looks unprofessional and cheap. It makes your store look like a generic template, and not a unique and customized one. Besides, it also gives away your platform, which might not be a good idea if you want to keep your competitors in the dark. And finally, it doesn’t add any value to your store or your customers. It’s just a waste of space and a distraction.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to remove powered by Shopify from your footer in 2024, step by step. Moreover, I’ll also explain why you might want to do it, and what benefits it can bring to your store. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clean and professional-looking footer, and a more attractive and trustworthy store.

So, let’s get started!

Why Remove Powered by Shopify?

Firstly, let’s start with the “why” before delving into the “how.” Why remove the “powered by Shopify” from your footer? It all boils down to branding. Establishing a unique and memorable identity for your company, goods, or services is crucial. In the fiercely competitive e-commerce landscape, a strong brand fosters consumer loyalty and trust.

Consistency is key in branding—your website, social media, retail space, and marketing materials should share the same style and feel. A unified voice and value proposition build a reliable image. Including “Powered by Shopify” disrupts this uniformity, suggesting dependence rather than autonomy. Removing it reinforces your expertise and reliability, steering away from the perception of a generic or dubious vendor.

You don’t want to do that, do you? Of course not. You want to do the opposite. You want to show your customers that you’re a professional and credible brand, that you’re a Shopify master, and that you’re a legit and trustworthy seller.

Additionally, you want to show them that you’re proud of your store, and that you’ve put a lot of effort and creativity into it. You want to show them that you’re different and better than your competitors, and that you have something valuable and unique to offer.

That’s why you want to remove powered by Shopify from your footer. You want to take control of your branding, and make it consistent and strong. You want to make your store look more attractive and appealing, and make your customers more confident and loyal. Besides, you want to make your store more successful and profitable, and make yourself more happy and satisfied.

How to Remove Powered by Shopify?

So, how do you get rid of it? Is it even possible? The answer is yes, it is possible, and it’s very easy. In fact, you can do it in 2 minutes or less, with no coding skills required. All you need is access to your Shopify admin and a few clicks. Sounds good, right?

Now that you know why you want to remove powered by Shopify from your footer, let’s see how you can do it. It’s actually very simple and easy, and you can do it in 2 minutes or less. Here are the steps:

  1. Log into your Shopify admin and go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Find the theme that you want to edit, and click on Actions > Edit default theme content.
  3. In the theme content editor, enter “powered” in the search bar. Also, this will bring up both the Powered by Shopify and Powered by Shopify HTML boxes.
  4. In the Powered by Shopify box, enter a single space. This will delete the text from the footer.
  5. In the Powered by Shopify HTML box, delete the entire code. This will remove the link from the footer.
  6. Click Save and refresh your store to see the changes.

That’s it! You’ve successfully removed powered by Shopify from your footer. Congratulations! You’ve just improved your branding, and made your store look more professional and trustworthy. Well done!

What Next?

Now that you’ve removed powered by Shopify from your footer, what else can you do to improve your store and your branding? Well, there are many things, but here are some ideas:

  • Customize your footer with your own logo, links, and information. You can use the theme content editor to add or edit the sections in your footer, and make them relevant and useful for your customers.
  • Personalize your theme with your own colors, fonts, and images. You can use the theme customizer to change the appearance and style of your store, and make it match your brand identity and personality.
  • Customize your domain with your own name, extension, and URL. You can use the Shopify admin to buy or connect a custom domain for your store, and make it more memorable and recognizable for your customers.
  • Customize your content with your own words, tone, and voice. You can use the Shopify admin to edit the text and language of your store, and make it more engaging and conversational for your customers.

These are just some of the ways you can customize your store and your branding, and make them more attractive and appealing. There are many more, and you can explore them on your own, or with the help of a Shopify expert. Furthermore, you can also check out some of the resources and tutorials available on Shopify, or on other websites and blogs.

You have the power and the freedom to make your store and your branding as awesome as you want. You don’t have to settle for the default or the generic. This is because you can make it your own, and make it stand out. Besides, you can make it a reflection of your passion and your vision, and make it a source of your pride and your joy.


In this article, I’ve shown you how to remove powered by Shopify from your footer in 2024, in 2 minutes or less. I’ve also explained why you might want to do it, and what benefits it can bring to your store and your branding. I hope you found this article helpful and informative, and that you’ve learned something new and useful.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. I’d love to hear from you, and help you out. If you liked this article, please share it with your friends and fellow Shopify sellers. And if you want to read more articles like this, please subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media.

Thank you for reading, and happy selling!

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Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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