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The Future Of Technology: What To Expect In The Next Decade

Global technological development is developing quickly, ushering in disruptive and revolutionary technologies that, within the next 10 years, will fundamentally alter society, the economy, and the environment. These breakthroughs—from biotechnology and artificial intelligence to quantum computing—will fuel significant shifts, such as the Internet of Things.

This article explores significant trends expected to influence technology’s evolution in the 2020s and beyond.

Artificial Intelligence: From Narrow To General

Machines may now carry out activities that once required human ability, such as thinking, learning, decision-making, and creativity, thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). AI has advanced quickly, succeeding in language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, machine translation, and gaming because of its extensive data accessibility, powerful processing power, and sophisticated algorithms.

Current AI systems, termed narrow AI, remain limited to specific tasks or industries. For example, an AI program excelling at Go or Chess cannot operate a vehicle or diagnose medical conditions. AI research aims to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI), where machines can comprehend and perform any human intellectual work. Some experts believe AGI could be realized by 2030.

AGI’s impact will be significant and unpredictable. It holds the potential to benefit humanity, solving complex issues and boosting productivity, innovation, healthcare, and education. However, AGI poses risks, including existential threats, social unrest, and moral dilemmas. Responsible and transparent development aligned with human values and goals is crucial to address these challenges.

Biotechnology: From Editing To Engineering


Biotechnology applies biological systems or organisms to create or modify goods and procedures for specific uses. New plants, animals, and cures for genetic diseases are now possible because of recent developments in gene editing, such as CRISPR-Cas9. On the other side, synthetic biology combines engineering with biology to enable the development of new biological systems and species.

Biotechnology has enormous potential and promises to transform health, agriculture, energy, and materials while tackling social issues like pandemics, food security, and climate change. However, to guarantee that breakthroughs in biotechnology are responsible and governed by regulations that protect human health, biodiversity, and biosecurity, ethical, social, and environmental issues must be addressed.

Quantum Computing: From Theory To Practice

Superposition and entanglement, two examples of quantum mechanical phenomena, are used in quantum computing to perform impractical tasks on conventional computers. Its core components, qubits, can exist in two states (0 and 1) simultaneously, enabling handling multiple possibilities concurrently and solving specific problems exponentially faster than classical counterparts.

Previously a theoretical concept, quantum computing has made substantial progress toward realization. Tech giants like IBM, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Intel have developed prototype quantum computers with tens or hundreds of qubits. In 2019, Google achieved quantum supremacy, completing a task that would take a supercomputer 10,000 years in minutes.

In fields including chemistry, physics, artificial intelligence, optimization, and medicine, quantum computing has great potential. It could unlock discoveries and applications currently infeasible with classical computers. Scalability, error correction, interoperability, and security issues must be resolved. Quantum computing is unlikely to replace traditional computing quickly but will complement it for various purposes.

Blockchain: From Cryptocurrency To Decentralization

By verifying and storing transactions in a decentralized, intermediary-free manner, the distributed ledger technology known as blockchain enables secure, open, and immutable peer-to-peer trades. Initially supporting Bitcoin, blockchain now finds applications in diverse fields.

Blockchain encourages effective, equitable, and inclusive value exchange, cooperation, and creativity, with the potential to upend and democratize sectors, including banking, supply chains, identification, voting, governance, and social media. It also increases individuals’ and organizations’ ownership and control over their data and resources.

Blockchain still has issues with acceptance, scalability, interoperability, legislation, and education. As an evolving technology, it requires further research and testing. Although it is a flexible tool for many jobs, blockchain is not a universally applicable answer.

IoT: From Smart To Intelligent


A network of physical objects that can gather, distribute, and use data is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Wireless connectivity, cloud computing, edge computing, AI, and miniaturization contribute to its rise. IoT spans various domains, including smart homes, wearables, appliances, vehicles, agriculture, and healthcare.

IoT brings value through enhanced efficiency, convenience, safety, quality of life, and sustainability. It enables data-driven insights, new business models, and opportunities.

Interoperability, security, privacy, ethics, and governance are all difficulties. IoT’s future involves AI integration, creating AIoT, where devices autonomously process data, optimize performance, and generate value.

Food Production: From Farming To Lab-Growing

Food production is vital but challenging due to population growth, climate change, land degradation, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, food waste, and insecurity. It impacts human health, nutrition, and well-being and requires radical transformation. Emerging technologies could revolutionize it as is evident on the Food Basics Flyer which is offering nutritious ‘Ontario Fruit’ mixed fruits and vegetables produced locally using current technology and sold at special discounts.

Some of the emerging technologies that could shape the future of food production are:

  • Vertical farming: Vertical farming uses stacked layers and controlled-environment agriculture to grow crops, saving space, water, energy, and fertilizer. It boosts yield and quality while reducing weather and pest dependencies. Urban implementation reduces transportation needs, creates jobs, and offers income opportunities for urban farmers.
  • Lab-grown meat: Lab-grown meat is produced without raising or slaughtering animals. It’s made by culturing animal cells in bioreactors with a nutrient-rich medium. This reduces environmental impact (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions, land, and water use) and improves animal welfare and human health by eliminating suffering and reducing disease risks.
  • Plant-based meat: Plant-based meat is made from plants like soy, pea, wheat, or algae, imitating animal meat through techniques like extrusion or fermentation. It matches or surpasses animal meat’s nutrition while addressing environmental and ethical concerns of animal agriculture.
  • Insect farming: Insect farming raises insects for human or animal consumption, rich in protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They’re efficient feed converters, can consume organic waste, and enhance food security while reducing environmental impact.

The following technical developments might significantly impact the globe over the next 10 years. The technical viability, economic viability, societal acceptance, and regulatory approval of these technologies are only a few of the difficulties and uncertainties they face. It is essential to do extra study, development, public engagement, and education to ensure these technologies are safe, moral, and beneficial for humankind.

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Ankita Tripathy

Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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