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More Than 5000 Employees of Go Air On Leave Without Pay

Most of the flights were supposed to be starting from 15th April as per the plan but the sudden extension of the Lockdown resulted in the Go Air employees going on leave without pay. Almost 5500 Go Air employees will be on ‘leave without pay’ till the second lockdown ends on 3rd May. 

In the previous month, the Wadia Group had asked it’s employees to stay on leave without pay and also snapped some amount of salary.   

“The lockdown has been further extended till May 3, and with this extension, our fleet continues to be completely grounded. Hence, we are constrained to request you to proceed on ‘leave without pay’ till May 3,”- was communicated by Go Air to its employees. 

The Indian Government has extended the lockdown for Coronjavirus till 3rd May which was earlier supposed to have been taken off on 14 April 2020. 

Most of the Airlines had made their plan and were ready to make their first fly on 15th April after the first 21-day lockdown in India. 

“We may, however, have to extend the period of ‘leave without pay’ for a further term, if so required,” – mentions the airlines

However, they have also mentioned that 10% of the 5500 employees who have been in contact with the crucial part of the work of flights, will be paid continuously even if they are not working now. 

Hardeep Singh Puri, the Civil Aviation Minister on Saturday, advised the airlines to open their system of booking, only after the Indian government takes the decision of flying national and international flights after withdrawing the lockdown completely. 

But the Civil Aviation ministry also clarifies to Go Air and other airlines that as of now the Government has not taken up decisions yet as to when would the services of flights be resumed. 

Today Since early morning, Air India has opened its booking for booking of flights post 4th May which is supposed to be withdrawn on 3rd May 2020 but first, only some of the domestic flights will be allowed to fly. None of the international flights will be flying in recent days. 

*this news piece has been published on referencing from The Wire and the facts and figures are intact. 

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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