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These Pages Can’t Be Merged Because They’re Part Of Different Business Manager Accounts

Social media pages are a great way to do business. Social media pages, especially Facebook, are the most influential medium for faster branding and promotional works. As a result, many organizations are ending up with multiple Facebook pages. From the beginning of the branding and the promotional works, the chance of mistakes is huge, and for beginners, these types of incidents are pretty common.

These pages can’t be merged because they’re part of different business manager accounts. This question is often asked by Facebook page handlers. As after they are ending up with multiple business pages, they want to merge them up.

These Pages Can’t Be Merged Because They’re Part Of Different Business Manager Accounts.

These Pages Can't Be Merged

Let’s see how to fix this type of problem. As the merging of the different business accounts is not only helping you to be organized. When you are setting up a separate business page with the same niches as your previous one, you will definitely get more benefits over the usages of the merging Facebook business pages. Before the fix, the error first takes a look at the reason behind the error.

What Are Causes Of These Facebook Notifications?

Getting Facebook Page Merge Notifications

These pages can’t be merged because they’re part of different business manager accounts. These types of Facebook notifications will only show when you are trying to merge two different types of Facebook pages. 

When you are trying to merge Facebook pages, you should be clear about your goal, and there must be some common factors that are working for both of these Facebook pages.

Here are some factors which you have to check before you start your Facebook page merging.

  • Two Facebook pages are representing the pages of the same thing like a goal, niches, etc.
  • Two Facebook pages have the same kinds of addresses.
  • Facebook pages business accounts names are the same.

These three criteria are present in the two Facebook pages then only you can proceed with the merging. Other than this, when you are proceeding with the merging, these pages can’t be merged because they’re part of different business manager accounts notifications starting to show up.

After you check up the details of your Facebook business, you will see these three criteria match up then only you can process the merge Facebook accounts.

How To Merge Multiple Facebook Business Pages?

How To Merge Facebook Pages

Merge Facebook pages business manager this is a straightforward operation. With a few steps, you can successfully complete the whole working process with a simple few-step process.

Here are the guidelines to merge the two Facebook business pages.

Step 1: First, log in to your Facebook account/or the Facebook business page account.

Step 2: After signing in to your account, start typing the ‘’ command.

Step 3: When your pages all have the common business account address, you will see the available pages where the merging is possible. Choose any two pages which you want to merge from the list.

Step 4: After choosing the two pages, click on the continue button to merge the Facebook business page.

Step 5: Then, you will see the option that says you to keep the page you want to. For confirming this task, you have to click on the keep page button.

Step 6: If you want to regenerate the merging request again, click on the “Request Merge” button.

Step 7: If the merging is successfully done, then you will get a Merge Request Successful message. Other than this, ‘these pages can’t be merged because they’re part of different business manager accounts.’ these types of notifications can also be possible.

How Is The Facebook Business Page Merging Helping You?

Facebook Business Page Merging

Facebook page merging is always helping you to secure your official trademark and business names. These operations are not only helping you to organize your business, but security is also going to enhance.

Check out the few advantages of using the Facebook business page merging.

  • After margining the two business pages, your operational works are turning to be more organized and straightforward.
  • If you currently spot out someone who is unethically using your trade name or brand names, then merging your business pages is the essayist solution for all.
  • You will get a single hub to communicate with the customers.
  • For the small business, the Facebook business page merging is producing a better appearance.
  • If you lost the admin rights from one page, you would get the opportunity to regain them by merging the pages.

These are the advantages of the Facebook merging. So if your currency wants to build a secure system for your business pages, this is the right place to give you a safe and robust platform to start communications with the customers.

Wrapping It Up:

These pages can’t be merged because they’re part of different business manager accounts. These types of notifications can always be seen if you are trying to merge other accounts. The most crucial factor is that you have to be an admin on both Facebook pages to make the Facebook accounts. 

Only this way, the merging process will be fast and straightforward, and you do not have to face this type of error notifications. So how are you merging your pages? Do not forget to share your opinion in the comment sections.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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