Bitcoin is the firstborn of Blockchain technology. Bitcoin was created after the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. The crisis served as a motivator for the people to look for an alternative payment method that could survive events in the future.
As the world was engulfed in the global recession and banks were risking millions of dollars in depositor funds, the white paper found the opportunity to fully lay down a functional digital currency.
This digital money was powered by Blockchain technology. After the success of the first Cryptocurrency, thousands of others followed in the market.
Understanding Bitcoin

The first time Bitcoin was made public through a white explaining the nature of Bitcoin. The white paper was titled ‘Peer-To-Peer Electronic Cash System’.
People were able to understand that there is an entity named Bitcoin in the digital space, but the one thing that was mysterious about Bitcoin was its origin.
Where does Bitcoin come from?
According to the algorithm, new Bitcoin is generated to the computer users after solving pre-specified mathematical challenges. The mathematical problem we are talking about here is called Hash. It is a 64-bit hexadecimal number that is less than or equal to the target Hash.
Every Bitcoin generated has a specified unique number which will eventually have a face value. Bitcoin’s value will only be legit if the party from both sides agrees with it.
We know the whole concept of Bitcoin and how it works sound compilation. But that’s how it is. Still you should learn more about Bitcoin and how it has affected the current financial market.
Terms That Are Critical To Understand Cryptocurrencies

‘Ethereum, HODL, dApps.’
No, they are not some newly discovered alien languages. These are a few terms that are commonly used in the Cryptocurrency industry. Knowing these terms is really necessary if you don’t understand Bitcoin.
Although hundreds of terms are commonly used to explain Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, we have handpicked some of the most popular ones.
Knowing them will help you better understand what to expect from a new industry.
1. Address
All the Cryptocurrencies on the Blockchain are identified by their unique addresses. As Cryptocurrencies are valued digitally, they need addresses to be stored. In fact, you can consider the Blockchain as a GPS that helps to locate targeting mailing addresses.
2. Blockchain
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency go hand in hand. In fact, they are so similar that most people use these two terms interchangeably. However, they are not the same. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency, while Blockchain is the network that supports Cryptocurrencies.
3. Decentralized Applications
Decentralized applications are open-source applications built on the Blockchain network with the intention of real-world uses.
4. Digital Currencies
Digital currency…….so like Cryptocurrencies, right? Not really.
Digital currencies are backed by fiat currencies. In fact, most nations have already launched their nation’s digital currency backed by their nation’s fiat currencies.
5. Decentralized Finance
Decentralized finance is an umbrella term used for all kinds of decentralized financial transactions. It includes banking, money management, insurances, payment processing, and other decentralized transactions.
6. Fiat
When reading about Cryptocurrency, you will come across the term fiat currency. It is a government-backed currency – the traditional currency we use today. The price evaluation of the fiat currency depends on the economic status of the nation.
7. Distributed Ledger Technology
If you know about Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, you will know the public ledger concept behind the currency. Distributed ledger technology is another name used for Blockchain technology.
8. Mining
Mining is the process by which new Cryptocurrencies are introduced in the market. The miner solves complicated mathematical problems and transfers blocks of the information. When one block of information is shared, the miner earns a reward in Bitcoin.
9. Public & Private Keys
Public and private keys are important to transact Cryptocurrencies. Private keys allow you to access your digital assets, while public keys help send and receive Cryptocurrencies.
10. Smart Contracts
Smart contracts are the product of Blockchain technology. It holds multiple parties accountable for something, just like a normal legal contract. But the instructions for contracts are done via code instead of spoken languages.
Both the parties can see and accept the programmed condition before accepting the contract, making the contract completely transparent.
And the List Just Goes On!
This is just the first page of the list. There are more pages to come. Unfortunately, we cannot add all the pages here. If you are interested in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies and want to know other terms and factors as well, do let us know. We will send the complete list of all the popular terms you should know in the Cryptocurrency market.