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Top 7 Mistakes To Avoid When Filing Immigration Paperwork

Immigrating to another country and becoming a resident of the same sounds pretty easy at first. However, when you get into the “filling up the paperwork” part, things become a more complex and challenging problem.

Hence, what’s the solution?

Well, you can always choose an Atlanta Family Immigration Lawyer for your purpose. Nonetheless, in our opinion, it will still be better for you to beware of the common mistakes that everyone makes during the procedure.

Here’s what you need to know in this regard!

7 Mistakes That You Should Never Make

7 Mistakes That You Should Never Make

If you have hired an Atlanta Family Immigration Lawyer, completing your paperwork will not be an issue for you. Nevertheless, if you are trying to do everything alone, you may end up doing the following things wrongly.

1. Forgetting To Sign

Sounds a bit silly, right?

But, if you’ll be astonished to see how many people make this mistake while filling up their immigration forms. And, if you don’t, your application will be returned or denied by the authority. Hence, you may have to wait for a few more months before you can apply again.

Keep in mind, each of the form requests will require you to provide both your birth date and full name. Thus, when you are finishing up, make sure to double-check these aspects!

2. Missing Out On Forms

An immigration application usually comes with a plethora of forms and documents. To complete the whole procedure correctly, you will have to fill up everything and submit the same to the government. Thus, if you miss out on anything, your application will be denied.

In some cases, you can provide all of the required forms simultaneously. It’s known as concurrent filing and helps you cut down the process duration by months. So, if your application can be provided through this procedure, we’ll suggest you opt for it!

3. Misplacing Document Translations

When you file an immigration application, you’ll need to submit various supporting documents alongside it. Some of them will work as proof of your residence, while the others will verify your identity.

However, if you don’t belong to an English-speaking country, you will need to translate all of your proceedings into English before submission. In case you forget to do so, your application will be delayed by more than six months.

4. Submitting Documents To Wrong Office

You should always visit the required USCIS website to check where you should submit your applications. Even if the paperwork asks it to send it somewhere, we’d still ask you to do the same to check the address.

In some cases, the addresses may change from time to time. So, if you end up submitting your documents to the wrong place, your immigration request may get declined.

5. Failing To Meet A Deadline

Each of the immigration documents usually comes with a specific deadline. Hence, if you end up missing out on even one of them, your application will get delayed again.

The best-case scenario for you would be to mark the important dates on your calendar or add notes on your mobile. It may help you remember all deadlines and follow them till the end!

6. Providing Wrong Information Accidentally

Making a mistake in your background history, even by accident, will be considered a lie on your immigration application. Hence, if you write something wrong or provide false documents, your application will get denied entirely.

Make sure to keep all of the locations, dates, criminal records, etc., handy when filling out your application.

7. Offering Wrong Fee

Just like a forgotten signature, submitting the wrong fee amount can prompt the USA authority to reject your application immediately.

Hence, before you pay whatever’s required, we’d ask you to check the instructions at least twice. You can find the information regarding this aspect in the ending section.

The USCIS usually accepts payment deposits in the form of money orders or cheques. However, it should be provided through a USA-based institution. Otherwise, your payment will not be accepted during the procedure.

Final Thoughts

If the authoritative figure has rejected your application for some reason, it will return the same with your failed application. Thus, you will get yet another opportunity to correct the problems again. In that case, we would ask you to play it safe and hire an Atlanta Family Immigration Lawyer for your purpose.

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Abdul Aziz mondol

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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