Maintaining a healthy work-life balance as an entrepreneur is tough. The majority of entrepreneurs work long, stressful hours. It’s no surprise that 72% of entrepreneurs suffer from mental health issues at some point.
The lack of work-life balance has been dismissed as ‘part of the territory’ of a new venture. However, the fact is that entrepreneurs need a healthy balance, or they are at risk of developing serious issues and potentially even burnout.
What Is A Work-Life Balance?
We have all heard the term work-life balance. But what is it? Is it Luke, a fancy term that was coined for the heck of it? Or does it actually have meaning behind it? Well, the answer is yes. The term has a meaning and a very important one at that.
Work-life balance is a silent balancing act between your life and your career. Often, we confuse them with each other. In actuality, they are different and not the same.
However, they are intertwined, and one cannot be sustained without the other. You need a job to be happy and happiness to be better at your job. It is a symbiotic relationship between two critical aspects of your life.
Why Do You Need It?
As we just pointed out, work and life are symbiotic in nature. You need one to maintain the other. As a result, if you are lopsided or prioritize one over the other, you will end up feeling burnt out or broke.
This is the reason why you need a work-life balance. It helps you to become more productive, happy, and peaceful in life.
Ways To Achieve Work-Life Balance For Entrepreneurs
Becoming an entrepreneur is not easy. You need to be at the top of every single thing. Then again, self-preservation is equally important. It is that one thing that can make you feel at peace and in sync with the life you are leading.
However, this peace will only be there if you have that work/life balance. Otherwise, everything is futile. You might be living the swankiest of life, but you will not be happy if you are not happy from within.
For that, you need to do certain things. Small things that can help you achieve a sense of balance.
1.Take a Break!
For entrepreneurs, there is always something more to do. Entrepreneurs are well-known for not taking breaks and burning the midnight oil. This is fine to do this on occasion, but if you make a habit out of it, you are only damaging yourself.
Limit your hours. Many entrepreneurs find it easier to stick to a classic 8-5 schedule. Time how long you spend working and see where you can reduce these hours.
Additionally, try to stick to only a five-day workweek.
2. Maintain a Healthy Diet:
If there is anything entrepreneurs lack, it is time. That often means choosing fast food over cooking healthy meals. Multiple studies have shown a link between a bad diet and low mood. Obviously, a lousy diet also leads to poor physical health, which can prove to be a significant problem later in life.
According to Dr. Ryan Shelton Zenith Labs, “Poor nutrition can reduce performance in every aspect of life. This is a particular problem among entrepreneurs, who are often forced by their lifestyles to cut corners in their diets.”
Cooking in bulk over the weekend and freezing meals is an easy way to avoid the hassle of daily cooking while still crafting a healthy diet.
Read more: cooking healthy meals.
3. Learn to Delegate:
The art of delegation is an essential business skill. Perhaps the greatest downfall of entrepreneurs is failing to delegate. Entrepreneurs are notorious for trying to handle everything themselves.
Be willing to trust in those closest to you and place some of the work on the shoulders of your team. Focusing on what you excel at can pay dividends for your business, and your health. Focusing on what you excel at can pay dividends for your business and your health.
4. Take Up Exercise:
Exercise is critical to controlling not only your physical health but also your mental health. Adequate stress relief is vital to the success of any prosperous business owner. The Mayo Clinic makes it clear that exercise reduces stress.
You do not need to spend long periods exercising. A few minutes of walking, squats, or push-ups throughout the day add up.
5. Schedule Vacations into Your Year:
Do you find it difficult to disengage from your work and go on vacation completely?
Schedule your vacations at the start of the year. Make a booking to get out of town so you will only be able to change your mind if you lose money.
Your business is not going to live or die based on the two weeks you spend outside the office. As Dr. Ryan Shelton put it, “It’s all about finding calm in the chaos.”
6. Have Hobbies Unrelated To Your Job
In today’s working culture, being a workaholic is ‘cool.’ In actuality, it is, but you need a break from it at times. Otherwise, you will find your job mundane, even if it is something you enjoy.
Therefore, take up a hobby that is completely unrelated to your job and keep this hobby far away from your job. This will help you destress yourself and become more balanced.
7. Stop Multi-tasking
Multi-tasking is something you will have to do as an entrepreneur. Therefore, breaking away from this is actually helpful and can help you calm down. Therefore, have slow times. Times when you take thighs easy.
Focus on one thing and one thing only. Try not to juggle multiple things at the same time. This will give your brain the optimal rest that it needs and wants.
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is problematic because it is simply not an active part of the traditional American work culture.
By building in time to eat right, exercise, and take breaks, you become a better business owner. Reducing the risk of burnout and refreshing your mind will do wonders for your business.
What are you doing to maintain a healthy work-life balance? If you have all the answers, then do leave us feedback on how we did and what you would like to see in the future.