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10 Most Common Workplace Injuries and How To Prevent Them

Ensuring workplace safety is crucial for any given organization, regardless of its size or the industry in which it operates.  

For instance, workplace injuries might occur even in relatively harmless organizations like IT firms, not only in construction firms. Yes, industries like construction firms use heavy-duty machinery, and they are prone to increasing accidents.  

Not only can injuries in the workplace be detrimental to the employee(s), but they also cost the organization significantly. According to the regulatory body OSHA, fines or violations, deaths, loss of goodwill, and higher employee turnover.  

Thus, to improve workplace safety and avoid unwanted consequences, reducing accidents is a must. This is why organizations employ safety professionals.  

That being said, it’s time to discuss the 10 most common workplace injuries that challenge the safety of professionals. Alongside this, the study will focus on preventive measures. 

Top 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Top 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

The instances of workplace injuries keep increasing with time. Notwithstanding the laws, regulations, and guidance, workplace injuries can be checked.

According to an observation of Statista, workplace accidents worry the workforce deployed in different projects everywhere in the USA.  

It leads to developing temporary and permanent injuries.

The different types of injuries that disable employees include overexertion involving outside sources (21.9%), Falls on the same level 915.3%), and being stuck by an object or equipment (8.8%). Serious injuries can indeed topple the life of an individual and make post-injury life difficult.  

This is where the concerned stakeholders must focus on workplace safety.  

They must keep up with their efforts to create a healthy and productive work environment.  

However, in this section, we discover the 10 most common workplace injuries. so that the picture becomes clear to you.

1. Vehicle Accidents

Vehicle Accidents   

Workers who need to operate vehicles regularly, like those working in transportation, have a high chance of encountering accidents. The types include bad weather, unannounced breakdowns, and negligent drivers.

Yes, these might very well lead to accidents such as collisions, crashes, brake failures, etc. 

However, not only drivers are at risk – workers who spend a long time around vehicles can be injured as well.  

For instance, employees working beside cranes, trucks, vans, tractors, forklifts, and heavy-duty vehicles are prone to injury.  

Even the smallest negligence can cause a significant issue in the workplace, jeopardizing employee safety. This is the reason management must work relentlessly on the safety of the employees. It is definitely one of the ways to boost employee morale.  

Organizations should regularly train and remind their employees to drive without distractions and in a responsible manner. Moreover, policies regarding the usage of heavy-duty equipment such as forklifts and cranes must be in place.  

Moreover, they must look upon safety professionals to review and update policies whenever required. This move can help mitigate the 5 most common workplace injuries under discussion. 

2. Accidental Falls/Slips 

Accidental Falls/Slips 

One of the most common incidents that occur in virtually any workplace is accidental falls or slips.  

These usually occur because of wet floors, unsafe wiring or cords, unstable surfaces, lighting conditions, debris, and slippery surfaces.  

While falls are more common and might seem insignificant, they can cause serious issues such as cuts or bruises. Even torn ligaments, broken bones, and spinal cord injuries are most common.

One can prevent it quite easily if several policies are put into place. Regularly training the workers to mind their surroundings and cleaning up surfaces, especially after spills, are some good starting points.  

Moreover, placing brightly colored warning signs on unstable or slippery surfaces is an absolute must – these will help attract the attention of workers and ensure that they are aware of the risks. If you are injured working on projects in the middle east, then, you must consult top law firms in Dubai.

3. Muscle Strain

Muscle strain is one of the 10 most common workplace injuries.  This may happen in your back and neck. Even poor posture can result in this development.  

However, to avoid these injuries, it is important to use proper lifting techniques like keeping the back straight, bending the knees, etc.  

 4. Falling From Heights

It is definitely one of the 10 most common workplace injuries. There is a fair share of workers who are exposed to the risk of falling from heights every day.  

Examples include those working in the construction industry and cleaning windows of tall buildings. Especially in construction industries, one can see signs that read “DAY WITHOUT INCIDENT” followed by the number of days without an accident in the vicinity.  

Falling from roofs, high platforms, and stairways without railings, scaffolding, and ladders can cause serious injuries and even deaths. 

To avoid such falls, organizations must provide safety equipment and have materials in place to ensure worker safety.  

They must build Structures like platforms appropriately to prevent accidental falls – for instance, staircases must have railings.  

OSHA requires organizations to provide ample safety equipment to their workers, and following the rules to the this the best way to prevent workplace injuries.

5. Impact Injuries

The impact injuries may occur when an individual is stuck by an object while at work. This may lead to developing bruises, fractures and even more serious conditions. 

The incident may take place due to moving machinery, falling object and also when carrying out tasks hurriedly, with loss of concentration. 

 6. Electrocution-Related Injuries

Exposed cords, faulty wiring, and electrical outlets pose significant risks for workers – they can get electrocuted on the job. This might also occur while handling electrical equipment, vehicles, or heavy machinery.

There are three ways to how injuries related to electrocution can be mitigated. Firstly, labelling the electrical equipment properly is a must so that any user should know the risks associated with using the equipment.

Also, faulty equipment and wiring must be labelled too. Finally, employees working with electrical equipment must wear protective equipment such as insulated (rubber) gloves and boots.

7. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

The repetitive strain injury develops if some part of your body is extensively used. Moreover, the complexities may develop by doing repetitive tasks, awkward positions and also maintaining the same posture.

Prevention of the injury includes ergonomic assessments of workstations and promoting the use of suitable equipment like ergonomic keyboards. 

 8. Getting Struck By Objects

Getting Struck By Objects

This one is quite common as workers might receive injuries by striking against small objects like falling debris or due to a malfunctioning piece of equipment.  

Swinging, flying, or falling objects might cause various injuries depending on the force they hit the employee with, leading to blunt force trauma such as cuts, bruises, fractures, etc. 

Ensure that the authorities post proper signs in areas where objects might fall on workers who are passing by.  

For those who are working in such areas, they must have strong headgear and eye protection to improve worker safety.

9. Cuts And Lacerations

Cuts and lacerations are among the 10 most common workplace injuries. They can develop in the kitchen, and also in the manufacturing plants. To stop the injury from developing, the employees need to be trained in the proper use of handling sharp objects and machinery.

10. Inhalation Hazards

Inhalation hazards develop in the workplace which are exposure to fumes, vapour and dust.

This is one of the 10 most common workplace injuries that are a matter of grave concern. Moreover, prolonged exposure can lead to respiratory issues, acute poisoning and even chronic illness.  

What Employees Must Do To Prevent the 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries? 

What Employees Must Do To Prevent the 10 Most Common Workplace Injuries

Different authorities, rights from the government, and real estate organizations have policies that protect the lives of the workers at the workplace.  

However, the employees themselves must work consistently to ensure that they take the necessary steps to eliminate workplace injuries. 

Firstly, the authorities must focus on the cleanliness of the place. This must be part of the employees’ responsibility. 

Secondly, the employees must ask the authorities to install proper lighting to light up the entire place. This is effective in reducing workplace accidents.   

In some places, the use of faulty machinery and improper maintenance of the places may result in accidents. This is why, before starting the daily work, the worker must maintain a thorough checkup of the vehicles and machinery to ensure safety.  

  • They may include: 
  • Monitoring the brake systems. 
  • Replacing the windshield wipers.  
  • Performing regular oil changes. 
  • Timely lubrication of the machine. 

Proper signage is also an essential element of accident prevention. This is in sync with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 


Workplace injuries like getting stuck by an object bring with them a disaster for workers. This is why employees must take adequate precautions to stay safe.  

Even the management must ensure that the employees working on the different projects remain safe. Alongside, they must ensure that workers get adequate compensation. Lastly, be mindful of the 10 most common workplace injuries.

Additional Reading:

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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