While Indonesia has huge potential for clean energy, most consumers haven’t exploited these energy sources.
However, only 12% of electricity comes from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.
The country has, however, set policies to achieve 23% renewable energy use by 2025 and 31% by 2050.
Also, the country enjoys a lot of sunshine throughout the year, making solar energy a reliable source of power.
The solar air conditioner has its own set of advantages. This is why more people are looking to optimize solar power to serve their end.
Another problem with solar air conditioners may be changing, especially during the season when there is less sunlight.
It is indeed a cause of concern for people looking to buy these solar air conditioners.
They are inquisitive about the energy requirements to run the solar-powered air conditioners.
This article will discuss this aspect and help you gain more in-depth knowledge and awareness and, most importantly, make decisions about the purchase of such smart home technology.
Power Outage And Its Harmful Impact On The Residents Of Indonesia:
If you’re a homeowner in Indonesia, you have most likely suffered from a power outage over the last month.
Power outages are among the major complaints with residential, commercial, and industrial consumers in the country.
In a hot and humid climate like this, one of the biggest frustrations during a power blackout is the air conditioning.
If you have a traditional air conditioner, power outages can be disruptive as you need a backup.
This is an inconvenient and costly solution, and this is where solar air conditioning comes into the picture.
With a solar-powered air conditioner, you don’t have to stay in an uncomfortable house whenever the power goes off.
However, before you make the switch to a solar-powered air conditioner, there are some important considerations.
Top among them are the benefits of solar AC and the reliability of the energy source for your home’s air conditioning.
Why Solar Air Conditioner?

Before any big home improvement project, consider the cost-benefits of the project and the impact it can have on your home’s value.
The country’s climate makes it perfect for solar energy utilization, with many hours of sunlight throughout the year.
With air conditioning consuming a large percentage of electricity in homes, a cheaper alternative comes in handy. Solar air conditioner power is not only cheaper but also more reliable.
Once you install solar panels for your power system, you don’t have to worry about blackouts in your area.
Better still, solar energy systems improve the value of your property as buyers look for such additions.
With time, the system pays for the initial cost, making it one of the best long-term investments for a homeowner.
As the country grapples with the effects of global warming, such as extreme temperatures and erratic weather patterns, it’s also important for homeowners to embrace sustainable living practices that can save the environment.
Solar air conditioning reduces reliance on fossil-powered electricity, and this reduces emissions.
You can reduce your home’s carbon footprint with a solar power system for your heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, and other needs.
How Much Sun Does Your Solar AC Require?

The biggest concern among homeowners with solar air conditioners in Indonesia is whether they have enough sun.
Of course, you don’t want to install an expensive solar AC, which won’t work because of the inadequate sunlight supply.
To determine how much sun your solar air conditioner receives, consider how the system works.
Solar panels are at the heart of your solar AC system, and they are critical to harnessing the sun’s energy.
Also, the solar panels need direct sunlight to produce the maximum solar output for your air conditioner. If the solar panels don’t receive enough sunshine, the entire system becomes ineffective.
However, to determine how much sunshine you need for your solar air conditioner, consider these factors:
Your Home’s Electricity Needs
Every home in Indonesia has different energy requirements based on the size of the property and the number of occupants. A solar power contractor can help you do an audit and determine the electricity output you require.
From the daily kWh usage, you can get the monthly and annual usage. Your contractor uses these figures to determine if your area has enough sunshine to power a solar air conditioner.
However, the annual power needs can also influence the choice of solar AC. A hybrid solar air conditioner can suit an area where you don’t have enough sunshine throughout the year.
No matter what kind of energy your home needs, it is important to get the best energy storage systems in Singapore. You do not want all the electricity that has been generated to go to waste.
The best energy storage systems can help conserve all the solar energy that has been generated and store it efficiently.
It also helps in better distribution through the power circuits to the appliances within the home.
Peak Sunlight Hours
One of the critical factors to consider in your calculations is the number of peak sunlight hours.
When you determine the peak sunlight hours, you can then calculate the output of your solar energy system and determine if it’s enough for the solar air conditioner.
Peak sunlight hours are not the same as the hours of daylight. This describes the intensity of sunlight in a specific area, and the higher the amount, the more output you can expect from your solar panels. A peak sun hour is when sunlight reaches an average of 1,000 watts of power per square meter.
During the summer months, you have more peak sunlight hours and some locations in the country also enjoy more sunshine than others.
If an area gets an average of over four peak hours, this is a good place to use a solar air conditioner.
Factors Affecting Efficiency of the Solar Panels
An area might have many peak hours, but a solar air conditioner might still be inefficient.
Consider other factors, such as the efficiency of the solar panels, the angle of your roof, and trees/buildings blocking the sun’s rays.
And It’s A Wrap!
How much solar energy does your solar air conditioner need? It’s not an easy question to answer, but your solar energy contractor can assess your home’s location, peak sun hours, and other factors to determine if a solar air conditioner is viable.
Additional Reading: