Submit News

If you are really interested in global issues and want to give a platform to your journalistic skills then you can submit your news/editorials to every day. If we find your news/editorials interesting then we will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Submit your news to []

Keep in mind we possess all the rights of not publishing your news/editorial if you fail to pertain to the format that we mention.

Publishing Guidelines

Please make a note that you follow all the guidelines that we mention. First, we will check the pattern and format of the news and only if the news follows all the guidelines, then we will publish it. 

  1. Title/Headlines – If you are a true journalist, you must know what exactly is the kind of title should you have. Make the most curious and catchy title which drags your readers to your news. Avoid using stop words in your title.  (5-15 words or 60characters) 
  2. Sub-title – Keep in mind that this is a news platform, there will be no subtitles or subheads. 
  3. Meta Description and Tags- We will do this bit for you but if you want to suggest some of the tags or want to give us your meta description the feel free to do it.  
  4. Links You are free to link your news with another news site or source. Do not forget to mention the sources. 
  5. News Content- The news content must be of a minimum of 400 words to 500 words. Ensure that you make the mention of your accurate data. Also, mention your Email ID with your news.  
  6. Image – Send one image very relevant to your news. An ideal size is 850 x 425 pixels in JPEG or PNG format. 
  7. Date – The date that will appear on your release is the date we publish live it on our web site.