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Insights into the Next Generation Test Management Tools

Businesses and organizations are not new to software testing. When there are products under development, for sure there will be a process to assure the quality of the products. And that process is what we call software testing in the information technology domain. Gone are the days when the users were not knowledgeable about what’s happening in their surroundings.

These are the days of the digital age where every single individual around the globe is clever enough because of the evolutions and advancements technology has given birth to. End-users are more tech-savvy. They are now capable of evaluating which apps and software products are performing up to their expectations, have unique features, and are secure enough to trust.

In such days it will be the worst decision to not pay enough attention or to incorporate sufficient efforts in conducting software testing. Even if organizations implement software testing as part of their quality assurance policy, they may still fail sometimes to achieve their desired objectives of testing because of the hidden discrepancies that the organizations are unable to track.

For efficient testing, for delivering a software product faster, and to cope up with the demands of better quality by end-users, the use of test management systems is considered to be a mandate. Quality Management Software is one of the preferred tools in the industry. But just a simple test management tool won’t be able to suffice all your testing objectives.

If you want to optimize your software testing process, then you need a next-generation test management tool that would flip the game in your favor only. But now the question arises that what’s the difference between an ordinary test management tool and a next-generation test management system or tool?

Difference between traditional and next-generation test management tools

Traditional test management tools are relatively costly, involve jumping into and out of multiple databases, and exacerbate enterprise software delivery islands. However, modern test management tools come up with a special feature set that can fasten up the software testing process while eliminating all the software discrepancies and also comes up with a list of fortunes for all the stakeholders. 

Now your minds have might pop up with a question that what accounts to be a perfect next-generation test management tool or system,

Multiple testing projects and one view – Modern test management tools are capable of fabricating the visibility of companies, business lines, departments, and teams into the delivery pipeline, so every stakeholder can view all test activities at a single platform and hence enabling them to be on the same page. These tools and systems are also capable of providing ease and convenience to its stakeholders by enabling them to have a single view of the overall test coverage. 

Unique insights – We call modern test management systems next-generation systems because they successfully provide unique and real-time insights into the software product quality and delivery status via comprehensive rankings, reports, and indicators. These are modern because they are capable of allowing the software testers to view and analyze information on the reports at any time and without location constraints while keeping their knowledge base about the project status update. 

Can support multiple software development methodologies and entire delivery process – Unlike traditional test management systems, modern ones support multiple or variety of software development methodologies at once like a waterfall, agile, DevOps, etc. Modern systems comply with your development workflow i.e whether you use a single development methodology or multiple.

An ideal test management tool is not a separate thing from your software delivery process. It has a tendency to consolidate with tools that help manage end-to-end software delivery.

Improved and better collaboration between team members – Modern or next-generation test management systems comes with an innate feature of commenting within the tool that can easily provide information to each team member about the project status and information.  In-tool communication also makes it possible for the team members to keep a full audit trail of conversations between stakeholders.

Ease of data migration – For Modern test management tools or systems it’s a child’s play to migrate all the necessary information or data from the traditional tools within a matter of a few seconds. Enterprise test teams can get a single project running in minutes, and fully migrate to the tool in less than a week.

Subham Saha

Subham Saha started his career as a professional web content writer. He has more than 3 years of experience in digital marketing. He also has a great knowledge in SEO, SMO, Website development, etc. He completed his graduation in Electrical Engineering. He is very passionate about building his career in the Digital marketing industry. Subham has a great interest in reading books about Business, Economics, Psychology, Technology, and History.

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