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How To Prepare Your Resume In 2022: A Step-By-Step Guide

What are you working on – A Dream JOB or Choice?

We can assure you that no matter what job you are doing or pursuing in your life, it falls under either of the categories.

And do you know what factor determines which option you will be able to choose? It’s your RESUME!

With just getting your resume right, you will find recruiters worldwide calling you and asking you to join their company.

Yes, one excellent resume is what it takes!

Today, we will discuss the resume game you can play and make yourself stand out from the crowd for the recruiters to see you easily.

Prepare Your RESUME 5 Simple Steps!

Whether you are a professional with enough experience under your belt or simply a graduate who is looking to start a career, a well-organized resume helps you get ready for the next career move.

There are many things that depend on your resume. Despite being a couple of pages of information, it carries enough weight.

So, you must take your time and create a resume that helps you stand out from the crowd.

If this is the first time you are crafting a resume, you might find it difficult to get everything on a piece of paper.

In that case, you can simply use a resume builder. A resume builder is a software application that creates resumes for you. You just need to add relevant information and a resume template.

Below are the steps that will help you off a good start.

1: Gather Accurate Information

Gather Accurate Information

Your resume is a reflection of what you are. It holds all the information that will determine your career. Hence, it is important to add only the correct and accurate information.

Focus on accurate information and ensure that your resume has all the necessary details and exhibits all your skills, expertise, and experiences to impress your recruiters.

Here is the following information that your resume must have –

  • A Job description.
  • Work history and experience.
  • Education & training.
  • References and contact information.

These are a few must-have sections in your resume. Once you have added all the information, now look for other things you have that can be added to the resume to give off better appeal.

2: Decide On An Appropriate Resume

Once you have all the information at your disposal to use, the next thing you need to do is select the perfect format for your resume.

While there are many formats you can follow, we consider all the Resumes to fall under these three categories.

a. Chronological

The chronological format is all about listing all your experiences and education in reverse chronological order. That means all your recent experiences will be on top, and from there, it will go down to the oldest experiences.

It is the most traditional format for creating your resume. Despite having its root attached to the conventional method, it is still a successful resume format.

b. Functional

A functional format showcases more of your skill than your work experience. This is a new format that is quite popular in modern times. Businesses are looking for the right skills for their organization.

In addition, this format is really helpful for individuals who have gaps in their working experience. By showcasing their skills, they can easily land a job.

c. Combination

The combination format is a hybrid resume highlighting your work experience and skills. When you are using this format, you will find that adding both information will take more space. In that case, you might have to exclude some of the other information.

That being said, if you want to truly make something out of your resume, this format might be able to bring the best out of you.

3: Create A Perfect Header

Create A Perfect Header

Header matters a lot.

Just like any article or blog, their heading defines what kind of information you will find inside, and the header in the resume helps the recruiters understand what you have to offer.

Be certain about everything you have on the resume and ensure that every piece of information has a particular header.

In addition, ensure that you have a professional-looking email address. While you can have a free generated email address, having a professional email address will make your resume more appealing.

4: List Your Experiences, Skills & Qualifications

Once you have selected a particular format, that format will dictate what information you can add to your resume.

For instance, if you have gone with the Chronological format, you need all your recent information first and then move slowly with the past experiences.

For the functional format, you might like to add your strongest skill or a closely related skill to the job at first.

Finally, for combination formats – this is tough.

You have to decide whether to keep the functional information first or going with chronological makes more sense. This is totally your call to make.

5: Finally, Include Your Educational Experience

Adding your educational qualification is important unless you have recently graduated. It is a common practice to add your educational qualification at the end of the resume.

List out all the relevant degrees and certificates that make you the perfect fit for the job. This will help the recruiters to pick you from the crowd.

If you have a degree, indicate your degree type. If you have certificates, indicate what those certificates are for. And if it’s possible, you can even have your grade points on the sheet.

While talking about grade points – add only when it is above 6. This will give something to the recruiters to make their final decision.

However, if your grades are just okay, there is no need to add them.

Ace Your Next Interview!

Now that you have perfected the art of crafting masterpieces, it is time for the next step – the dreaded job interview.

Whether you are an extrovert or introvert, it is possible that you will hate the interviewing process. After all, who likes sitting in front of a panel and allowing them to judge you on your past experiences.

But, no matter the case, if you have an ace RESUME, there is nothing to worry about!

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Arnab Dey

Arnab is a passionate blogger. He shares sentient blogs on topics like current affairs, business, lifestyle, health, etc. If you want to read refulgent blogs so please follow RSL Online.

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